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Application - Introduction

The readDiag package was designed to be a tool that enables easy access to diagnostic files generated by the Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) system. The package is mainly composed of 2 classes, the first one for reading data (read_diag) and the other for creating different types of figures with selected data (plot_diag).

The read_diag Class

The read_diag class consists of 5 functions:

  1. __init__(self, diagFile, diagFileAnl=None, isisList=None, zlevs=None): where diagFile is the diagnostic file of the first outer loop with OmF information, and diagFileAnl is the diagnostic file of the last outer loop with OmA information. Note that it is not necessary to inform both files; diagFileAnl is optional. In this case, the read information (Omf or OmA) will depend on the outer loop (diagnostic file) provided.
  2. overview(self): this function creates and returns a dictionary with the information in the file.
  3. pfileinfo(self): this function elegantly prints a list with the information in the file.
  4. close(self): this function closes the last opened file.
  5. tocsv(self, varName=None, varType=None, dateIni=None, dateFin=None, nHour="06", Level=None, Lay=None, SingleL=None): this function generates a CSV file of the OmF and OmA parameters with the following information: date, mean, standard deviation, and total data for the chosen variable and type.

The input data for the function and functionalities are identical to those of the time_series function presented in the next section in the plot_diag class (item 7 - see also details of functionalities here). What distinguishes the two functions is that this one writes a CSV file, and the other generates time series figures.

The plot_diag Class

The plot_diag class consists of 7 functions:

  1. plot(self, varName, varType, param, mask=None, **kwargs): the plot function generates a figure for the variable varName (e.g., uv), varType (e.g., 220 (dropssonda)), and param, which can be various options such as param="obs" for the observation value, param="omf" for observation minus background, or param="oma" for observation minus analysis. It is also possible to mask the data with the iuse variable, which indicates whether the data was (iuse=1) or was not (iuse=-1 - monitored data) used in assimilation. Below is an example executed for varName="uv", varType=220, param="obs", and mask iuse==1":


  2. ptmap(self, varName, varType=None, mask=None, **kwargs): the ptmap function generates a figure with the location of all observations defined by varName (e.g., uv) and varType (can be a single type or a list, e.g., [200] or [220,221,257]). If varType is not informed, then all types will be included in the figure. It is also possible to mask the data with the iuse variable, which indicates whether the data was (iuse=1) or was not (iuse=-1 - monitored data) used in assimilation. Below is an example executed for varName="uv", varType=[254,242,221,220,257,258,281,280], and mask=None;


  3. pvmap(self, varName=None, mask=None, **kwargs): the pvmap function is similar to the ptmap function, with the difference of not specifying the type (varType), so you can choose a list of variables, e.g., ["uv","ps","t"]. Below is an example executed for varName=['uv','ps','t'], and mask=None;


  4. pcount(self,varName,**kwargs): the pcount function generates a histogram of the data quantity for a specific variable varName (e.g., uv) and all available types (varType);


  5. kxcount(self,**kwargs): the kxcount function is similar to pcount but does not specify the variable (varName). This function generates a histogram with the total data (all variables summed) for all available types (varType);


  6. vcount(self,**kwargs): the vcount function generates a histogram with the total quantity of data for each variable (ps, t, q, uv);


  7. time_series(self, varName=None, varType=None, dateIni=None, dateFin=None, nHour="06", vminOMA=None, vmaxOMA=None, vminSTD=0.0, vmaxSTD=14.0, Level=None, Lay=None, SingleL=None, Clean=None): the time_series function can generate 6 different types of figures, depending on the configuration specified in its call. The common feature among the 6 types is the time variation, while the difference between the 6 types is the way to treat the vertical levels. Basically, these ways are distributed between varying vertically (different values for different levels/layers) and fixed vertically (specific level, layer mean, or the entire atmosphere).

The input parameters for the function and each of the figure options will be explained in more detail below.

Parameter Example Description
self ['/home/user/diag_conv_01.2019121000'] List with all full paths (path/file_name) of each time in the time series.
varName uv Variable name
varType 220 Variable type
dateIni 2019121000 Initial date of the time series
dateFin 2019121118 Final date of the time series
nHour 6 Time interval in hours between each file in the self list
vminOMA -2.0 Minimum value of the y-scale (ordinate) for OmF and OmA
vmaxOMA 2.0 Maximum value of the y-scale (ordinate) for OmF and OmA
vminSTD 0.0 Minimum value of the y-scale (ordinate) for the standard deviation
vmaxSTD 14.0 Maximum value of the y-scale (ordinate) for the standard deviation
Level Zlevs Value of the level to make the time series; options: numerical value corresponding to the level, e.g., 1000 for 1000 hPa; Zlevs to plot by layers (around the standard levels); None to plot all levels.
Lay 25 Half of the layer size (if Level="Zlevs") in hPa if opting for layer sampling. If Lay=None, Lay will be internally calculated to fill the entire atmosphere containing the standard levels.
SingleL All When Level is fixed, e.g., 1000 hPa, it will be considered exactly that level (using the option SingleL=None) or at all levels as a single layer (using SingleL="All") or in a layer defined around the Level value ranging between Level-Lay and Level+Lay. If Lay is not informed, a default value of 50 hPa will be used.
Clean True or False If True, after generating and saving the figure, the figure window is restarted (plt.clf()) or closed (plt.close()); if False, this procedure is eliminated, and the figure remains available for viewing with plt.show().

All figures generated with the option Level equal to None or Zlevs will contain the term all_levels in the name; otherwise, it will be level or layer, depending on the SingleL option.

Throughout this notebook, examples with code snippets are shown to illustrate the use of the functions listed above.